Small Painting Gallery

Monique’s artwork reflects an organic, earthy influence that can be enjoyed in any home, office or commercial space.

Her private collection goes back over a lifetime of works and she is very proud to display them for you.

Not all of her work is online and those are available for viewing at her studio or through contacting her if you have a specific theme in mind.

She does commission works as well as portraits of people and animals who have passed on.

Two Beautiful Collie Dogs creating a boundary so the sheep do not get lost.

Kept at Bay – 52 x 20″ oil on canvas.

Crissy was her daughter Jennifer’s dog. The sheep behind, she met on a trip to Spain!

Dog with a Red Scarf – 20 x 16 ” oil on canvas

Dutch Scene - oval - 5 x 7

Dutch Scene – oval – 5 x 7


The Mirror –  30 x 24″- oil


The Violin Player – 30 x 24″ – oil on canvas

The Violin Player – painted when the Artist was learning about the “Shadow” from books by Carl Gustav Jung.

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